Conversations with clay: What I'd like to invite in my life | Dunav 41


Conversations with clay are two-hour workshops that invite us to discuss a topic we care about while working and modelling with clay. The workshops are a space we give ourselves, where we can spend some time thinking, playing with clay as well as connecting with our needs, desires and the people around us. Clay is a wonderfully malleable medium, which can be a magical adventure. 

You don't need to be a potter to work with clay. All you need is some curiosity and a tad of courage to give it a try. You don't need to have all the answers. All you need to do is try. 

Most importantly - you won't be alone. You will share the experience with other curious individuals, who will most likely touch clay for the first time too. Thus, while modelling it, the clay will lead us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level. 

The topic of this workshop is "What I'd like to invite in my life". We will contemplate the question, and we will speak about it if we wish to. At the end of it all, our hands will have created a clay object, which you can take home. 

The groups are up to 10 participants, and all materials are provided. 

Plamena took up pottery in 2021, and she is currently finishing her training in Clay therapy: level 1 with Lynne Souter-Anderson in England and art therapy training at the Institute of therapy and expressive arts in Sofia, Bulgaria. Plamena is a devoted ambassador of the therapeutic properties of clay as well as its impact on our overall well-being and our quality of life. 

Conversations with clay: What I'd like to invite in my life

Technique: Pottery | Materials: clay | Continuance: 2 hours | Hot beverages and water included


41 Dunav Str.

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